Spring here in North Alabama has been an eventful time for us, but we had begun our garden long before April’s Fury. We’d begun our current garden last fall with cabbage and turnip greens. The turnip greens were awesome, but the cabbage never seemed to reach their potential.
When January came along with it’s snow, we tilled up anything that looked dead. With February’s snow, we just tilled the entire garden and tried to make it larger.
In March, we planted onions, more turnip greens, and strawberries. The onions are tasting nice and spicy now which is how we like them. The turnip greens didn’t grow too well. My daughter’s strawberries are still growing, but some of my son’s strawberries died. Today, my son planted strawberries that he’d had growing in pots on the porch for over a year. This time he planted them in a container like garden spot.
My daughter prefers flowers to edible plants so she has planted some of the more decorative plants we have. She and I had tried to seed some marigolds and herbs like basil, but they never grew like they should. So, today, we planted in the garden a bunch of herb seeds; basil, oregano, borage, catnip, and even some peppermint. We’ll see how they turn out and, hopefully, post pictures later on.
The first week of May I had my son and daughter go out and plant some beans; Kentucky Wonder Pole Beans, Dixie Speckled Butterpeas, and Alabama Black Butter Beans. I really should have went with them to supervise because now I don’t know which row has which type of bean, and they don’t remember either.
We’ll be planting in my parents’ garden next week too. They haven’t used their garden spot in years so we’ll just have to see if we are able to grow a good garden there too.