Saturday, May 19, 2012

Our Gardening Progress

We had a fun although tiring day today.  We were finally able to dig into the soil in my parents’ garden spot.  My son, daughter, and husband took turns tilling and laying out rolls in which we were able to plant seeds and plants.  We planted tomato plants, a few cabbage plants, squash, pinkeye purple hull peas, rattlesnake beans, cucumbers, corn, sugar baby watermelons, and okra.

Upon arriving home, my daughter and I decided to plant some things in our container garden.  We had thought it was too late to plant lettuce seeds, then we heard of others planting lettuce so decided to give it a try.  We planted red bowl lettuce and butter crunch lettuce.  There were also some plants on the porch that still needed planting so we planted a basil plant and a chocolate mint plant in the container garden.  While looking over the plants we had already plants a couple of weeks ago, we noticed that we had a banana pepper and a tomato growing so we are looking forward to a time when those are ready to be eaten.

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